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HomeMembers Benefits


Rides for Everyone
KVC offers rides of varying difficulty, distance, and terrain, as well as social activities. From short to long rides on local trails, asphalt, or gravel roads, to multi-day group touring and camping experiences--our members have a lot to choose from. Refer to the Calendar for a listing of upcoming rides.

Access to Routes
Members get free access to KVC’s extensive route library through the Club’s Ride with GPS account. Download routes to your mobile device or in printable format. 

Riding with KVC is the perfect way to discover new routes, meet new friends, and improve your group-riding skills. In addition to the in-the-saddle camaraderie, we plan social activities as a way for members to socialize off the bike.


KVC advocates cycling-friendly legislation and other causes on its members' behalf. We encourage members to get involved in its advocacy efforts, to make a difference on behalf of cyclists everywhere.

Merchandise Discounts

KVC has a good relationship with local cycling stores and other vendors who offer members a discount on certain merchandise.

Ride All Year

Our cycling is not limited to warm weather riding. As a northern cycling club, we ride late into the fall and host the occasional ride in the winter. During the winter months, we offer virtual training rides, using applications such as Zwift, to help members maintain their fitness level and prepare for the outdoor cycling season. Virtual cycling is a great way to connect with KVC members when the weather doesn’t support an outdoor experience.

Staying Connected

Being part of a cycling club lets members stay in touch with their local cycling community. Our website and social media accounts keep members up to date on cycling-related developments, such as new bike lanes, upcoming events, and cycling advocacy.

Have questions about KVC member benefits? Our Membership Director can help: